The Moral Vacuity of U.S. Higher Education: A Critical Education

In today’s ever-changing landscape, diversity and inclusion have become buzzwords, championed by organizations across various industries. The value of genuine diversity has been widely recognized, but its true impact is often overlooked. This article aims to delve into the moral vacuity of U.S. higher education, shedding light on the consequences of a lack of diversity and its effect on the institutions that shape the minds of future generations.

Former Indiana governor rips 'moral confusion', 'hypocrisy' of colleges  where antisemitism has festered

The Early Awakening

A Journey from the American South to “Yankee Country”

At an early age, my family’s move from the 1950s American South to the foreign territory of Indiana opened my eyes to the power of diversity. The cultural shock was palpable, from finding my new neighborhood peers playing basketball instead of baseball, to being surrounded by people of diverse heritage and faith. It was in this new environment that I began to understand the profound impact of embracing different perspectives.

Embracing Jewish Heritage and Values

Living within proximity to Indianapolis’ largest Jewish synagogues, my family found ourselves immersed in a community rich in Jewish culture. The neighborhoods nearby were heavily populated with Jewish families, and the schools I attended reflected this diversity. As I interacted with my Jewish friends, I not only admired their academic achievements but also marveled at the values instilled in them from a young age. Their commitment to social causes, such as collecting donations for UNICEF on Halloween, showcased a level of empathy and compassion that left a lasting impression on me.

Lessons from History

The post-World War II era was marked by a collective remembrance of the Holocaust and its lessons. Living in close proximity to individuals who had experienced its horrors firsthand, such as the valiant Bielski brothers and Auschwitz survivor Eva Kor, further emphasized the importance of understanding the consequences of racism and hatred. These experiences, shared by both Jewish and non-Jewish individuals, shaped our perception of the world and instilled in us a sense of empathy toward those who have suffered.

Columbia University postpones major fundraiser amid tensions over  Israel-Hamas war - KTVZ

Challenges in Higher Education

Discrimination and Transformation

Higher education institutions have not been immune to the challenges of embracing diversity. Many colleges and universities have grappled with their own dark histories of discrimination, particularly against Jewish students. However, over time, these institutions have acknowledged their past mistakes and have taken steps towards atonement. The journey from discrimination to transformation has been an arduous one, with the goal of creating inclusive environments for all students.

Moral Confusion and Hypocrisy

Despite efforts to embrace diversity, many institutions of higher education find themselves mired in moral confusion and hypocrisy. The homogenous bubble of groupthink that exists within these institutions has led to a lack of understanding of essential history and a warped moral sensibility. The suppression of speech and the failure to address real issues of hatred and violence have further eroded public trust in higher education.

The Need for Self-Awareness

The current state of higher education calls for self-reflection and self-awareness among administrators and educators. The echo chambers that have emerged within these institutions have perpetuated a singular worldview, alienating a significant portion of the population. It is crucial for those in positions of power to recognize the importance of diverse perspectives and to actively seek out differing viewpoints.

The Path to Redemption

Bursting the Bubble

The redemption of U.S. higher education lies in the discovery of a larger world of people with differing opinions and beliefs. Breaking free from the homogenous bubble of groupthink would allow for a more robust and inclusive educational experience. Embracing diversity in all its forms would not only benefit students but also contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the world.

Fostering Dialogue and Understanding

Creating an environment that encourages open dialogue and understanding is crucial for the redemption of U.S. higher education. It is imperative to move beyond the suppression of speech and instead foster an atmosphere where diverse perspectives can be shared and debated. By embracing differing viewpoints, institutions can cultivate critical thinking skills and promote a deeper understanding of complex issues.

Rebuilding Trust

Rebuilding trust within the higher education sector requires a concerted effort to address the shortcomings that have eroded public confidence. Administrators and educators must actively engage with the concerns and grievances of students and the wider community. By acknowledging past mistakes and implementing tangible changes, institutions can begin to regain the trust of those who have turned away from higher education.


The moral vacuity of U.S. higher education is a pressing issue that demands attention and action. Embracing genuine diversity and fostering an inclusive environment is not only an ethical imperative but also a necessary step toward redeeming the sector. By bursting the bubble of groupthink, fostering dialogue, and rebuilding trust, higher education can regain its position as a beacon of knowledge and understanding in an increasingly diverse world.