The Impact of Technology on Fragility and Development in the West Bank and Gaza

The Impact of Technology on Fragility and Development in the West Bank and Gaza


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## Introduction


The West Bank and Gaza have long been plagued by fragility and hindered development. Factors such as land fragmentation, restricted movement, political uncertainty, and lack of control over critical resources have all contributed to this situation. Additionally, the region faces the challenges of climate change, which further exacerbate the existing vulnerabilities. In this article, we will explore the interconnectedness of these issues and analyze the potential role of technology in addressing them.

The Interconnection of Fragility, Development Constraints, and Climate Change

The West Bank and Gaza face a complex web of challenges that contribute to fragility and hinder development. Land fragmentation, movement restrictions, and political uncertainties have all impeded progress. Moreover, the lack of control over critical resources like water and land has further hampered economic growth. Unplanned urban development and weak service provision have also increased the vulnerability of Palestinian households to climate risks.

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Climate change poses significant threats to the West Bank and Gaza, impacting water, food, and energy availability. It inhibits private-sector activity, undermines human capital formation, and diminishes economic opportunities. Projections indicate that water scarcity will worsen in Gaza, while flood risk will increase in the eastern part of the West Bank. Additionally, increased rainfall variability, rising sea levels, and saltwater intrusion will negatively affect aquifers and groundwater quality in Gaza.

Poverty and Climate Shocks

Poverty rates in the West Bank and Gaza tend to be highest in areas most susceptible to climate shocks and stresses. The impact of climate change on cities, with their large populations and concentrated physical assets, is also a major concern. As the Palestinian population continues to grow, the demand for water and energy intensifies, making the region increasingly reliant on Israel for basic services. Population growth also adds pressure on public services, natural resources, and urban housing, negatively affecting human development.

Technology as a Potential SolutionStates of Fragility 2022 | en | OECD

In addressing the challenges faced by the West Bank and Gaza, technology can play a crucial role. By harnessing the power of technology, the region can enhance its resilience to climate change, improve access to basic services, and promote sustainable economic growth. Technological solutions can help optimize water usage, develop renewable energy sources, and implement efficient urban planning strategies.

The Borderless Nature of Climate Change

Climate change knows no borders, and its impacts can spill over into neighboring regions. Therefore, addressing climate change in the West Bank and Gaza requires collaboration between Palestinians and Israelis. Failure to do so may intensify competition over shared resources and exacerbate cross-border tensions. Moreover, diminished access to water can have severe economic consequences, potentially increasing unemployment and reliance on Israel for livelihoods.

The Role of the Palestinian AuthorityNew study on infrastructure damage in Gaza and the West Bank - CEOBS

The Palestinian Authority (PA) faces significant challenges in addressing climate change due to limited policy tools. However, by taking action and implementing climate policies in line with their Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), the PA can enhance resilience and protect human capital and infrastructure. Optimized climate action can help maintain the provision of basic services, improve urban livelihoods, and promote sustainable economic growth.

Scenarios for the Future

To understand the potential development paths for the West Bank and Gaza, three scenarios are analyzed: “Continued Fragility,” “Increased Resilience,” and “Toward Sustainability.” The “Continued Fragility” scenario represents the most pessimistic case, where inaction exacerbates the social and economic costs of climate change. The “Increased Resilience” scenario assumes optimized climate action by the PA, while the “Toward Sustainability” scenario highlights the potential for growth by removing restrictions and increasing access to finance.


The West Bank and Gaza face interconnected challenges of fragility, development constraints, and climate change. However, by leveraging technology and implementing climate policies, the region can enhance resilience, address water scarcity, and promote sustainable economic growth. Collaboration between Palestinians and Israelis is crucial in addressing the borderless nature of climate change and ensuring a better future for both populations.

Technology offers innovative solutions that can help mitigate the impacts of climate change and drive positive change in the West Bank and Gaza. By embracing new technologies, the region can foster sustainable development and improve the resilience of its communities. The time for action is now, and technology can be a powerful tool in shaping a brighter future for the West Bank and Gaza.